Manier & Herod Attorneys to Moderate the Workers’ Compensation Defense Institute’s Multi-State Panel in Orlando, Florida on August 14, 2019

Manier & Herod Attorneys to Moderate the Workers’ Compensation Defense Institute’s Multi-State Panel in Orlando, Florida on August 14, 2019

David J. Deming, James H. Tucker, Jr., John W. Barringer, Jr., and Heather Hardt Douglas will travel to Orlando, Florida on August 14, 2019, to moderate the Workers’ Compensation Defense Institute’s multi-state panel discussion. Mr. Deming, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Barringer, and Mrs. Douglas will speak to the group about course and scope of employment, idiopathic falls, the Coming and Going Rule, the Access Doctrine (ingress and egress), lunchtime injuries, and mental trauma claims. To register, go to